
How we can help you

Modern Psychology and hypnotherapy techniques are successfully used for a vast range of conditions varying from physical dis-ease to psychological disorders, from behavioural limitations to cognitive challenges, and from emotional traumas to spiritual experiences.

Below you see our three main service categories:

  1. Overcome limiting condition or behaviour
  2. Adjust to a sudden life event
  3. Reach peak performance in health, sports, career etc.
Are you struggling to get by?

Do you find yourself in a situation where you feel you’ve tried it all, but nothing has helped? You may be battling with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, pain, or any behaviour that is restricting you from living your life to the fullest.

You remember the good times and deep down you know you can somehow get back to that state, if not better, by getting through what you are up against now. Everything just feels too hard on your own, and you don’t know where to look for help next.

 Now, you have come to the right place. At CMP we use tested and proven techniques that are gentle and effective in creating a lasting change for better. We work with you one-on-one, and make sure the approach is always tailored for your individual needs. We will also teach techniques that you can take with you, and use on your own between the sessions.

 We work towards rapid results. While we’d like to have life time clients, we believe that our responsibility is to help you through the worst as quickly as is feasible, and teach you how to self manage the challenging times in life on your own. We work on one problem no more than 6 times (for complicated cases more may be needed).

Don’t just believe us – see for yourself (Research ADD link). Many empirical research studies have shown the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in reduction of anxiety, depression and stress related symptoms like insomnia, muscle tension, worrying etc.

Want to read more? See our pages on:

Do you need better coping mechanisms to deal with life challenges?

Life can get tough at times. You get fired, your long lasting relationship ends, a loved one has passed away, or your doctor tells you the bad news regarding your health. You may even have discovered new challenges after being promoted, or when you found a new partner.

With time things usually get better. You know it, but it doesn’t help NOW. Everyone learns and adjusts, but you also think there must be better ways to deal with sudden life events than just sit and wait for the time to pass. Or maybe it’s already been a long time since you faced that event. You want to do what you can, to the best of your knowledge, and go on with your life. You want to find the inner balance again.

In these situations good coping mechanisms are priceless. Often we need new tools and techniques to grow and face the new situation with ease and grace. By establishing a robust communication with our subconscious mind, we can release the emotional distress, and tap into the resources that have been buried underneath. The methods we use are proven and many people find them gentle yet effective. Within a few sessions you will notice the difference in your day-to-day life, and you’re on your way to results that last.

Health and Wellbeing

As an elite performer you want to stay ahead or get the edge?

You know you have the skill, you know you have put in the hours of training and years of preparation, you know you want to be on the top of your game, but when the pressure gets high, something happens and you lose the touch. You get the nerves, you have those same old self sabotaging thoughts, or you just find that everything feels sticky and is nothing like you know it could be.

Whether it’s about athletic performance, FX trading, sales meetings, public speaking, dating or even problems between the sheets, our services for peak performance might be the missing piece in your puzzle.

Our approach for elite performers is two fold:

  1. We ensure that you don’t have any memories of past experiences stacked against you. Subconsciously we all are a store house of memories, experiences, thought patterns and deeply rooted behaviours. It’s important to clear out the ones that may stop you from performing to your best.
  2.  We use various mind training techniques, like suggestion therapy, anchoring, and other well-proven methods to access the resources within. We create a super highway between your subconscious resources and conscious action centres, which enables you to be in more resourceful state when you need to be at your best.

Take charge of your success NOW, and book in.


  • Peak state for competition
  • Training motivation
  • Managing nerves
  • Dealing with disappointment


  • Fear of public speaking
  • Improving sales
  • Sharpening the logical skills
  • Attracting success
  • Time management
  • Motivation
  • Enhanced learning techniques (Speed reading)
  • Focus / Memory


  • Boundary setting
  • People skills
  • Dating skills
  • Develop superior relationship skills
  • Improving sexual ability
  • Managing emotions


Hours & Info
0416 923 654
Appointments on request.
Send us an email to secure a time for your free consultation.
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