
2a_AddictionsIs your addiction taking control over you? Are you losing the battle, even though YOU want to be on the driver’s seat?

You may be experiencing some of the following addictive behaviours

  • Substance dependency (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes; food, coffee, sugar cravings)
  • Process addictions (social media, porn/sex addiction, workaholic behavior)
  • Negative thoughts
  • Control tendencies

We understand how hard it may be to meet the stressful moment without that ciggy, and how rewarding the feeling can be when taking the first bite of a tasty muffin when everything else appears to be going downhill in life.

You may hear people telling you “Just stop it! How hard can it be?!”. You may even tell that to yourself, but your failed attempts show otherwise. When you feel tired, bored, lonely, sad or whatever the trigger may be for you, like on an autopilot without having any say on things you find yourself pouring another drink, reaching for the chocolate, or allowing the negative thoughts to flood in.

You know that if you let this continue, your life will only get worse. Your health is deteriorating, and your doctor’s bills are increasing. You are in the process of ruining your family dynamics, because they don’t want to be around someone who doesn’t have any control over one’s life. You know everyone creates their own experiences, but your negativity so easily poisons your and your loved one’s life that you don’t know how to stop it. You may feel lost, and don’t know who could really help you.

Luckily there’s hope and you’ve come to the right place.

Every human being knows it’s not logical for us to want bad behaviour in our life. Almost all addictions are a result of emotional decisions that once served you well. Therefore, anything like that can be easily and effortlessly changed by addressing the subconscious processes that are responsible for emotions and 98% in control of the behaviour.

No matter how much you have cravings, or how gloomy the future may seem like, we can help you turn things around. We at Centre for Modern Psychology will help you eliminate addictions using our unique blend of therapies that are backed with scientific research (see the research section below).

Hypnotherapy and Modern Psychology for removing addictions has proven very successful with our clients and can be for you, so call us for a free confidential phone consultation.


With over 80% success rate, hypnotherapy has been proven to be one of the most successful methods to eliminate addictive behavior, like smoking. A study conducted in a clinical setting shows how an individualized 3-session hypnosis treatment led to 81% smoking cessation rate after the treatment. One year after the treatment 48% of them were still non-smokers, and as high as 95% of the participants were satisfied with the treatment they received.Gary R. Elkins & M. Hasan Rajab (2004) “Clinical Hypnosis For Smoking Cessation”, International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Jan 2004, 52 (73-81)The hypnosis can facilitate greater self-control and self-discipline in dealing with stress, social pressures and destructive cravings, and it can also promote growth.William A. Miller Jr. PhD (1991) “Using Hypnotherapy in Communicating with the Recovering Addicted Patient” Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, Vol 8, Issue 1, (1-18)

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