When the gut causes problems on a daily basis, the quality of life decreases exponentially. Certainly, there is a long list of things one can do to help the physical body, such as aid the digestion, support the gut flora, eat good healthful foods etc.
If you have IBS symptoms despite your best conscious efforts to make it easy for your system to work properly, it’s likely there’s another script running in the background, on the subconscious level. This is what hypnotherapy can help reset.
A controlled study conducted in 2004 shows how hypnotherapy resulted in significant improvement in common IBS symptoms.
The aim was to evaluate the cognitive changes on a Cognitive Scale developed for Functional Bowel Disorders.
In this study, 78 IBS patients completed a 12-session hypnosis treatment course.
Hypnotherapy resulted in improvement of symptoms, quality of life, anxiety and depression.
Unhelpful IBS related cognitions improved significantly. Patients experienced a reduction in the total cognitive score and all component themes related to bowel function.
Overall symptoms were reduced in correlation with an improvement on the cognitive scale.
Gonsalkorale WM, Toner BB, Whorwell PJ. J Psychosom Res. 2004 Mar;56(3):271-8
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